Monday, 22 June 2015

Book Review: Every Day by David Levithan

Read: June 16 - 17    Verdict: 5 stars

A is not normal. He never wakes up in the same bed. He doesn't know if he's
going to be a boy or a girl. He is never able to make true friends, real connections or feel true love. A doesn't have his own body. Instead, A wakes up in the body of a stranger, every single day. A has come to accept his strange way of existence until he wakes up in the body of Justin, and meets Justin's girlfriend Rhiannon.

There's not a lot of books that come along, and literally make you question everything. Every Day is one of those books, and the different issues and wonderings raised really makes it one that is a must-read for anyone who has ever thought about life, existence and simply being.

What is A? Is he a soul? An existence? Can he be classified as a human being even though he has his own thoughts and conscience? More importantly, A's journey really made me think about what makes a person. Are we real because of our physical body? Or are we more made up of our minds, souls and conscience. There aren't really any definitive answers as I think it all comes down to personal opinions.

A is definitely the type of person a reader would inspire to be. He is patient and kind. Loving, generous, and as honest as he can possibly be for someone living in his situation. He has extremely open and accepting thoughts when it comes to identity, gender and sexuality. For A, there is no 'I'm a boy who like boys' or 'I'm a girl who likes girl', he is simply A and he is attracted to kind, honest people.

Rhiannon is similar to A, similar as much as she can be for someone who has lived a normal the same body everyday for 16 years. She is also kind and generous. She accepts people for who they are, though this is made harder for her when she simply doesn't know who A is going to be every day. Rhiannon's difficulty in accepting and acting on her love for A when he's in different bodies, particularly female, is one many of us could identify with and understand. While it seems simpler to A because of the way he grew up, in reality things like that are a lot more difficult.

This book was thought-provoking, heart-warming and bittersweet right to the end. It made me sigh, smile and cry. And I loved every minute of it.

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